In a speaking career spanning decades, including recognition as the 2003 World Champion of Public Speaking, Jim Key has inspired audiences over all the world. Now Jim is coming to Des Moines for a Leadership and Speaking Excellence Double-Feature, delivering two powerful keynote speeches focused on developing your presentational power.
First, in “Hitting the Mark: The Quest for Excellence”, learn from a champion how to be more successful in your pursuit of excellence, drawing on Jim’s experience and lessons learned on the path to the championship. This keynote will also include his championship presentation, “Never Too Late”.
This talk alone would be worth the price of admission, however, as a fellow Toastmaster who understands you want every available tool to engage, entertain, and inspire, Jim has agreed to deliver a second keynote, ”Speaking and Leadership Lessons to Laugh About”. Jim will start with a core of speaking and leadership principles you can use to deliver world-class speeches, interspersed with real-world examples of them being applied.
If you are ready to take the leap for excellence and have your audience hang on every word, we look forward to seeing you for Jim’s Leadership and Speaking Excellence Double Feature at the District 19 Spring Conference May 20-21 in West Des Moines. Details here.