Altoona Public Library 700 8th Street S. W. Altoona, Ia
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Meeting: 1:00 – 4:00 pm – “Post Toasties” social time (with treats) until 5:00 pm
Toastmasters and guests invited to a Professional Achievers meeting….with an
EXTRA SPECIAL Educational Lesson…which will be presented by an EXTRA SPECIAL Toastmaster speaker, DTM, Edward Parker!
Did you ever wonder what characteristics, attitudes or qualities provide the best opportunity for a successful life? Is it possible that you are getting in the way of achieving your goals? Are certain assumptions blinding you of your possibilities?
Edward Parker considers life life successful. But it came slowly and is more limited than it needed to be. In his workshop, “Making a Success of You,” Ed will lead the group through three activities to gain insights of our development and raise awareness of what changes are still to come.
There is a baseline of your thoughts about yourself, your potential, and your opportunities that combined with your situation presents the ideal situation for achievement. This ideal situation does not exist. But, there are corrections that can be made. You already have made some. You will discover more changes that can be made in the Baseline of Success” activity.
Each of us has a unique combination of traits that fall along multiple scales. Where would you score yourself along a line from “Cautious to Risk Taker,” from “Avoids Stress to Thrives on Stress” and “Deliberate/Planner to Spontaneous?” We’ll consider how that combination affects your approach and your success in your endeavors in the “Trait Scales” activity.
Lets take a look at the whole of your life. We’ll reflect on how your attitudes changed over time from when you left school to when you become self-sufficient. What were the lessons learned? Perhaps you’ll gain a sense of urgency when considering potential experiences you could have had that are gone as time has gotten away. We’ll review some milestones in life as we draw a “Growth Timeline.”
Come to “Making a Success of You” and get a new perspective on what you can yet accomplish in this insightful and thought provoking workshop presented by Edward Parker at Professional Achievers on August 13.