Kristin Bruchmann presenting “The Art of Evaluation”
Everyone from beginner to advanced experience with Toastmasters walked away with a renewed understanding of the importance and impact of evaluation. Tips for improving the technique and personal stories were scattered throughout the presentation.
Theresa Mickelson challenged us to Catch the Fire and Lead and Inspire.
Reviewing the Distinguished Club Program and the significant role it plays in personal, club, area, division and district development set the stage for looking at the data for each club in the division and sharing successes and reviewing commitments.
Theresa Mickelson demonstrated Mining the Websites.
Using hands on activities, discussion,and attendee participation, we first visited the District 19 webpage. Then followed the Toastmasters International webpage. We looked at District information; narrowed it down to area and then club specific information. We discovered reports we can view and run and share with our Area Directors and Club Officers. We know where to find lots of different letterhead formats.