Saturday, December 14, 2013
Altoona Public Library – 700 8th Street S.W. Altoona, IA
Meeting 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. ‘Post Toasties’ social time to 5:00 p.m.
LESSON SPEAKER – Gavin Jerome – “How To Be Funny” What’s the key ingredient in any presentation or speech? The ability to effectively use humor!
Humor is THEE most valuable, vital communication skill. Consider . . . using humor will put an audience at ease – entertain – arouse interest – “connect with” or engage the audience – emphasize key points – deflect criticism, hostility and promote cooperation – add “juice” to a tedious session – AND – make the speaker likeable and accepted.
Such a demonstration provides a presenter an opportunity for peer review of their professional communication skills. Gavin points out, “Humor can get you, and your message recognized in a way that NOTHING else can.”
Gavin Jerome, is a professional entertainer, has toured many U.S. college and commercial Comedy Clubs, is a veteran of Vegas, cruise ships, plus corporate and association events. He has worked with Jerry Seinfield, Paul Riser, Dennis Miller, Steve Harvey and Pat Paulson.
Gavin is nationally known as an instructor of his “Comedy College,” having been featured in numerous newspapers and on radio and TV. Presently, over 1,000 graduates of his “college” are now earning money “being funny.” His best selling book, “Comedy College Handbook” is in its 8th. printing. Currently, Gavin is also teaching an accredited Comedy College class at Iowa State University preparing students for a more successful professional future.
Labeled as “The Morale Mechanic,” Gavin states he’s often asked, “Should I use humor in my speeches?” – – and his constant reply is simple, “Only if you want to influence, or get paid.”
Also on the agenda, Professional Achiever speakers:
Holly Boggess – “Calling all Speakers!” Lessons learned as a Meeting Planner of a state convention, how speakers can promote themselves.
Kathleen Deal – “Is Your Customer Service Sparkling?” An educational workshop presenting actual, real-life Customer Service practices.
Vilma Bergstrom – “We Can Be Pygmalion” Interpretive reading of 1986 World Championship speaker, Arabella Bengson, of Ontario, Canada.