There will be a District 19 Retreat that will be for all retiring Area Governors, Division Governors and District 19 officers. Plus all incoming Area Directors, Division Directors and new District officers, (treasurer, parliamentarian, chief judge, PRO, social media etc.).
The retreat will be on Saturday 27th June at the Stoney Creek Hotel, Johnston, Iowa. The day will start at 10am with coffee and cookies, lunch will be provided and day should end by 3pm. All attendees will receive a $10 TI gift certificate. The purpose of the retreat us to be a lessons learnt from out going officers and the wishes, expectations and goals for all incoming officers. District 19 has had a great 2014/2015 year and we need to build on the work of Mark and current officers to continue making District 19 a force to be reckoned with.
Subject to the District 19 conference elections please respond to Paul Wood by Friday 19th June your intention to attend. This promises to be an informative and motivational day