By Paul Wood, District 19 Director
Greetings everyone. Well the race is on now to the District 19 Fall Conference in Cedar Rapids. Area and Division contests are taking place and all the competitors are working hard on their speeches and improving their evaluation skills. If you have not already signed up for the Conference there is still time to do so. It is a great occasion when you will be able to meet new friends, renew old friendships and to attend some excellent education sessions. It is also where we as the District will discuss the business of the district at the Saturday Business meeting. On top of all that there will be some exciting speeches in the Humorous Speech contest and insightful evaluations for the Evaluation Contest. If that was not enough then we have the hospitality part of the Conference which is the “icing on the cake” so to speak.
Make it a mini vacation by coming Friday and staying Friday night and even Saturday night at the Double Tree hotel where the conference is being held and there are special rates to encourage you to come along. On Friday there will be a series of Professional Development sessions open to all. District 19 is your District and it will grow stronger and better with your active support. Your Trio of Keith, Jeanne and I are here to serve and support you and the District so you may achieve your goals and objectives as Toasters and your individual development outside of Toastmasters.
I look forward to speaking to each and every one of you next month at the Conference. In the meantime if you have ideas for future events, education sessions or for the good of you and your club, then call me or send me an email.
Best wishes, Paul