Dayna Weltzin has accepted the role of Division D Governor, pending a vote of the District Council at the May Spring Conference in Dubuque. Dayna will handle the role on an interim basis until then.
Dayna succeeds Tami Thompson, who decided to step down for personal reasons. This was not an easy decision for Tami, and the District wishes her well.
A Division Governor oversees and mentors the Area Governors within one of the geographic divisions in District 19. There is still some time to nominate someone – including yourself – for Division Governor, or any other District Leadership position, for the new Toastmasters year that starts July 1.
Follow these links for additional information on: qualifications for each role, duties of each office, Call for Nominations, and Officer Agreement and Release Form.
To formally submit a nomination fill out: District Leader Nomination Form.
Complete the forms and submit by email or mail by February 28, 2014 (midnight).
If you have any questions, contact LeAnn Blankenburg:
Email: [email protected]
Mail: LeAnn Blankenburg DTM, Nominating Committee Chair 2293 150th St, Lawton, IA 51030
Telephone: 712-870-1120