Bookstore Pre-Order!
If you have bookstore bucks to spend, or just want some items from Toastmasters International, you can place a pre-order and come pick it up at the Bookstore at the October Conference. There will not be items to pickup onsite, you must pre-order items.
You can place your order via this form. One submit per item please, just keep submitting the form until you have placed all the item you need.
Orders need to be placed no later than September 30th so that there is time to get the items ordered from Toastmasters international.
Reminder you can spend your bookstore bucks from last year, or purchase items with cash, check, or credit card.
We cannot take Toastmasters International certificates. Club must submit them via Toastmasters International.
Any quesitons, please ask,
Brenda Peshak
Program Quality Director D19 2017-2018
[email protected]