The Spring Conference is fast approaching. If you have not signed up yet good news, we have extended discounted hotel room rate for another two weeks. Hurry before the discount disappears for good! Register online at
Do not miss the exciting educational sessions and Roger Revak the keynote speaker. Here is a sneak peak at what you will find at the Spring Conference….
Jack Ackerman will teach you how to use your Toastmasters skills outside of Toastmasters, and to make money doing it.
Laura Meade teach us different ways to improve our clubs through membership building.
Jill Miller will be motivating all of us to write the song of our lives.
We have an international director gracing us with her presence. Joan Watson will be at the conference and provide the District with an inside look as to what is going on at Toastmasters International.
Keith Nielsen will challenge us to Promote Our Brand, whether that be our personal brand, or our club.
Tamara Binder will bring out more exciting updates from the new District Mentoring committee.
Roger Revak will be there to motivate and captivate the audience with his humor and wit.
Find out who has the best SNL costumer. The Friday evening entertainment will include a casting call for SNL characters! Come dressed as your favorite SNL character. Prepare an SNL skit and you can join your fellow SNL characters on stage during the District 19 SNL live event. Prizes will be awarded for the best costume and best skit. You will have to come to the conference to see who will be hosting the live showing of District 19 SNL.
Please rsvp to the hospitality chair if you will be competing in best skit contest. Walk ins are welcome. Jill Miller – [email protected].
Do not forget your baskets, banners, and dress clothes for the banquet Saturday night. I cannot wait to see all of my favorite SNL characters and Toastmasters at the conference.
Conference Co-Chairs
Michelle Holmes & Shannon Williams