Build Bridges & Create Connections on October 28-29th in Dubuque for District 19’s Fall Conference.
The full conference registration rate of $100 includes the following breakout sessions:
Make a Difference, presented by Sunny Faronbi
7 Secrets Every Leader Must Know, presented by Mark Brown
Speaking in 3D, presented by Mark Brown
Your Future as a Speaker Entrepreneur, presented by Callista Gould
Leveraging Generations for Business Growth, presented by Julie Barton & Matt Hughes
Special Guest, International Director Monique Levesque-Pharoah
We are fortunate to feature two Keynote address presentations at the Fall Conference. Your featured presenters are Mark Brown, an Emmy-Nominated Inspirational Speaker and World Champion of Public Speaking and International Director, Monique Levesque-Pharoah.
Register now for all sessions, Friday night social & dinner, Saturday Awards Luncheon & Banquet Dinner, plus District 19’s Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contests. A la carte pricing is available.
Already registered and excited to Build Bridges & Create Connections?
Start making plans to showcase your club banner, your costume, bring a raffle basket, and make your hotel reservation (if needed).
Check out the entire conference schedule here!
Questions? Contact Conference Chair, Laurie Skattum ([email protected]).