The Hilltop Toasters #7889 club at the East Moline Correctional Center recently conducted a 12-week Speechcraft for other inmates at the facility. Ten of the 18 who started completed the program, and at least five of those are joining the club.
The Coordinator asked each of the 10 to tell what they got out of the course. Here are some responses:
* Learning about organizations and that to run a successful organization, one has to be flexible.
* I learned that speaking in public as become like a new life being born into my life, like a little baby I must now take care of, water it, nurture it, plant it in good soil and Take It Into My Life.
* Speechcraft met me right at where I was at. What I found was a caring program.
* This is a life-changing experience. I didn’t think that it would be, but I see that it did [change my life].
* I learned a whole different way of speaking, of talking.
* [Speechcraft] keeps me positive
* While here, I forgot that I’m in Prison. And what I learned, from watching others around the yard, is that how you carry yourself, makes a difference, and that difference starts with feeling comfortable within your own skin.
* I feel welcome and wanted.
Congratulations,Hilltop Toasters!