Live from Sioux City, it’s the District 19 Spring Conference!
You can save money NOW by signing up for the 2015 Spring Toastmasters Conference! On Friday and Saturday, May 15-16, 2015, the conference in Sioux City will offer the great things that Toastmasters is all about, including educational sessions, friendship, and lots of laughs. The theme of this fun-filled weekend is Saturday Night Live. Don’t forget to dress up as your favorite SNL character and/or prepare your SNL skit for Friday night’s entertainment. Coneheads! Land Shark! CheeseburgerCheeseburger! Two wild & crazy guys! Our keynote speaker will be Roger Revak. Roger is a humorous keynote speaker who has a unique talent for telling serious stories in a funny and entertaining way!
Here’s the best news. Right now you can register for the bargain price of $80! That includes all meals, all educational sessions, the contests and all the other great stuff:
**The Early Bird Special has been extended to through December 19th!!! Register now to take advantage of the special!!!
Room Reservations: A block of rooms are reserved at the Hilton Garden Inn Address 1132 Larsen Park Rd. Sioux City, IA 51103, at $104.00 plus tax until April 15. Call 712-255-4200- Mention Toastmasters’ to get the conference rate.
Get in touch with your inner Blues Brother, Father Guido Sarducci or Roseanne Roseannadanna and join us in Sioux City in May!