We asked Lenny to introduce himself to you:
Since taking speech in high school, I have always been comfortable and liked speaking in front of people. I also knew that I often spoke too quickly and needed work on my enunciation and stumbling over words. When I joined SpeechCraft at McGraw-Hill in 2009, I’ll admit, the draw was the $1,000 incentive the company offered. What I didn’t realize was the whole new world that was to be opened for me.
That SpeechCraft turned into the Winspirational Speakers Club and I was officially a Toastmaster. Since then, I’ve held the club offices of Vice President of Public Relations, VP of Membership, Sergeant at Arms, and now President twice. For the past year, I’ve been the Area 91 Governor.
I attenedd my first Toastmaster conference two years ago and was totally hooked! The friendships, mentors, and experiences I’ve gained are immeasurable. One of my favorite experiences with Toastmasters is attending the speech contests. I am truly amazed at the talent within our district.
I am a lifelong resident of Dubuque, IA. I attended Clarke College here in Dubuque and have degrees in English and Business. I have a lovely wife, Cathy, and five children, all fully grown (as of June 23, 2014!), and three adorable mini dachshunds.
In addition to Toastmasters, I am very passionate about human rights issues, and lead an LGBT youth group here in Dubuque.
I’m so excited to meet all of the clubs in Division E!
– Lenny Behnke, Division E Governor