Past District 19 Governor Ron Rath passed away last week. Past District Governor and Past International Director Joan Johanson offers these memories of Ron:
As I remember Ron Rath……..
I was informed by Anne Sposato of the Cedar Rapids Hawkeye #617 club at Kirkwood College that Ron Rath, DTM, our 1983-1984 District 19 Governor, had passed on.
Members of District 19 have lost a gentleman, a scholar, a steadfast Toastmaster member and a great, motivating leader.
I can say this because back in 1974, I attended a Toastmasters Speechcraft class offered by the Fort Dodge #597 Toastmasters club, which met at Iowa Central Community College. Ron Rath was an instructor at Iowa Central Community College and a member of the 597 club. Ron was my mentor during the eight-week Speechcraft, and continued to be both mentor and ally when I joined the Club. I mention this fact so newer Toastmasters are aware – this was 40 years ago when women were JUST voted “acceptable” as members, but, were not readily welcomed into the all-male clubs.
Not long after I joined, Ron was invited to join the staff at Kirkwood College in Cedar Rapids. We in the Fort Dodge club were sad to lose Ron as a fellow member. Over the years, Ron and I remained friends, visiting at various District events, and in 1983-84 he served us well as District 19 Governor, leading the District to be recognized as a Distinguished District.
During my stint as District 19 Governor (91-92), I had a Division Governor who had to resign. Because of his experience and location, I asked Ron to please “fill-in” for the remainder of the year. Although already busy, he did serve, providing the Division membership with exceptional training, knowledge and leadership. He also helped me with his excellent insights into how to better serve as District Governor.
I found Ron Rath to be not only knowledgeable, but helpful, genuine and sincere, as well as a man of unfailing integrity. The District has lost an exceptional, special Toastmaster.
Joan Johanson, DTM, PID