SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13…..Meeting: 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Altoona City Library 700 8th Street S. W. Altoona, Iowa
Guests and fellow members invited, always welcome. Plan
to stay for our “Post Toasties” social time until 5:00p.m., with YUM TREATS!
LESSON SPEAKER: Callista Gould – “Dare to Wear: Professional Dress for the Person in Charge” If your outfit could speak, would it say, “I am in charge?” Or would it say, “What
would you like from the deli?”
Workplace attire is a contentious issue and the biggest violators of dress codes are not the
ones that you think. Learn what sets the best-dressed apart in clothing, accessories and
accoutrements in this humorous look at what we wear to work, and why.
Callista Gould is a Certified Etiquette Instructor and Founder of the Cluture and Manners Institute. She has 20 years of business experience in every dress environment imaginable – – from the skacker dress culture of Sony Music (Columbia and Epic music labels) to suiting up at Amana Appliances to the business casual environment of internet video-pioneer InterTech Media. In addition, she has an MBA from Louola University of Chicago and a Bahelors in English from the University of Iowa. Her Etiquette Tip of the Week blog can be found on and sometimes…….she Tweets.
Continuing program:
Toastmaster – Kristi Groff
Speaker #1 – Maureen Backstrom Speaker #2 – Joan Johanson Speaker #3- Sal Salgado
General Evaluator – Kathleen Deal Timer – Debra Nabity
Evaluator #1 – Jacque Johanson Evaluator #2 – Claude Hartman Evaluator #3 – Leonard Bundy
Educational Tip – Anne Sposato
Jokester – Dabra Nabity
Lunch Treats – Jacqaue Johanson