The Toastmaster of the Year Award is one way for the District to recognize those individual contributions which give greater meaning to the Toastmaster mission to be “mutually supportive”.
The Award recognizes the value of individual members’ contribution to the strength, diversity and longevity of a Club, and to acknowledge members who, through their actions, contribute to the mission of the District and the Distinguished Club Program. (The DC approved splitting the Cap Sias and Toastmaster of the Year Award into two awards effective July 1, 2011.)
2017-2018 Yvette Clapp
2016 – 2017 Leah Cox
2015 – 2016 Cyndi Hanson
2014-2015 Vilma Bergstrom
2013-2014 Kristin Bruchmann
2012-2013 Kayoko Kimura
2011-2012 Keith Nielsen
2010-2011 Kelly Nielsen
2009-2010 Michelle Lessman
2008-2009 Reginald Williams
2007-2008 John Carlson
2006-2007 Helen Jacobe
2005-2006 Thomas Lindeman
2004-2005 Julia Venzke
2004 Peter Hawthorne
2003 Helen Jacobe
2003 Randy Schmadeke
2002 Kayoko Kimura
2001 Brian Tanner
2000 Jeff Christiaansen
1996 Amy Soliday
1995 Susan Evans