As we enter September there has been much happening within the District and Toastmasters in general. The Trio went to Las Vegas for District Officer training and then to the International Convention. There were many excellent speeches and educational sessions. Most importantly there was the International Speech contest for the World Champion of Public Speaking. District 19’s Kory May gave an excellent speech and was given second place in his semi-final. I was privileged to be there for Kory’s speech and it was a consummate and professional delivery and many congratulations to Kory.
As Toastmasters one of the core values is that of evaluations. From the club member through to the performance of the District Officers it is essential that we acknowledge and work with those evaluations. I would like to offer some other aspects of what we as members of Toastmasters need to consider. From my perspective there are some elements to being a Toastmaster, especially in a leadership role. Please know that each individual member is a leader and each member has the ability to shape the lives of others.
Here are some of my observations.
As evaluators of speeches we have to listen carefully so we can offer constructive feedback. It is also important during meetings etc. to listen to the conversations of what members and guests feel about the meeting, Toastmasters and each other. By listening carefully we can hear what we are doing well, what we may do to improve the guest experience, what can make the club grow.
Having listened we need to learn what we can do both as individuals and as a club, Area, Division and District. How do we go about sharing the information, do we keep it to ourselves and hope someone else will do the work? How can we tell the club officers or District officers what we have heard? How do we as a club learn from the feedback? We are a sharing organisation so never be afraid to tell the appropriate people what is needed.
Finally there is the leadership aspect. Never be afraid to step up to a role to help shape your own character, your club or the District. By sharing we become united and by being united we can grow in strength and by that means we can be successful as individuals and as an organisation.
We as the Trio are here to listen, to learn and to help lead each of you and your clubs to grow, and this will have the trickle on effect of making your Areas and your Divisions strong. Let us work together to make District 19 a District other Districts look to as being innovative, successful and role model for others to follow.
Best wishes,
District Director
[email protected]