Introducing the Gong-a-long show! Live at the “To Leadership and Beyond” District 19 Toastmasters Spring Conference May 20th in West Des Moines.
The Gong-a-long show will be after the Candidates Forum and the parade of costumes. (Wear your favorite space themed outfits)
No need for talent, just a bit of courage to get up in front of people and do some sort of an act. If you are old enough-think back to the 80’s and the Gong Show. Same format. Gene- Gene the dancing machine, The Unknown comic. Anything G to PG13 goes. What act might you want to do, you say? Sing, dance, skit, hula hooping, poetry, yodeling, patty caking, dueling, dramatic readings, debating the reasons for having a gong-a-long show! Rules will be explained at the time.
Contact Ms Magna Stellazar (AKA Leah Cox) at [email protected] and you are in!! Decide at the last minute to join the fun as an act, you will not be turned away unless by time constraint.