The Hilltop! What is it? Almost everyone who has been part of District 19 for more than a few months has heard about “Hilltop Toasters # 7889” and the wonderful things happening there, and which many of you have been and are supporting with your generous contributions. Hilltop is one of the Prison Clubs in District 19, and it was rescued from suspension almost three years ago. It is a wonderful story that I will share sometime in a future blog.
In the meantime, here are a few tidbits of some of the exciting things happening on the Hilltop.
- The number of members working their way through their manuals is amazing. In just the last two weeks, four have completed their CC, two completed their ½ CC, four more their CL, one ALB, two ACB and one ACS.
- In the past six weeks, there have been four Ice Breaker speeches and one completed his third speech, qualifying him (under Club Rules) to become a full member of Toastmasters International. He brings the Club’s Official Membership to 16.
- A Tall Tales Contest was held on May 22nd. Top level prison managers attended and all came away impressed with the professionalism and quality of the speeches.
- As a result of the Tall Tales Contest, the Warden asked some club leaders to assist him in a meeting of community leaders, acting as Emcee and introducing Presenters.
- Eight members reached their goal of going home this past Toastmaster Year. While we who work with these men on a weekly basis as volunteers cannot track their Toastmaster careers, we are assured by each that they would locate, join and participate in Toastmasters Clubs in their home towns.
- The new slate of officers (they serve 6 month terms) was elected and trained before the first of July.
- Two of the officers are actively working on HPL projects with volunteer Toastmaster John Maller serving on their advisory committee.
- One member, Ramiro Rodriquez III, completed his one-year tour as Area Governor for Area 92.
- The Club’s Executive Committee meets frequently, almost always on a bi-weekly basis, and meets with the Volunteer Staff once a month.
- The Club maintains excellent contact with both Division and Area Governors. Dale Pike, the current Area 94 Governor, made his first AG visit to the club in July.
- A Calendar of Special Events, Contests and Open Houses for this Toastmaster Year is being prepared and will be posted on the District Website and the District Facebook Page as soon as it is finalized.
- One event in the planning stage is a Tall Tales Contest with a twist. On October 30th, the night will be full of fright and angst as the Hilltop Contest Committee sponsors “Tall Tales from the Crypt!” Come visit and enjoy, If You Dare!
As always, you are invited to pay us a visit at the EMCC (the East Moline Correctional Center) and the Hilltop. J let either John Maller or myself know and we will make arrangements. If you have not visited previously, you will need to provide John or me with your Full Name, Date of Birth and SSN for a security screening. .
I promise it will be an experience you will remember.
By Don Wadleigh