Every Toastmaster in District 19 should have an emotional stake in the Waterloo 101, club. Not only was the 75-year-old club the first in the District, its early members also played a huge role in the founding of several other clubs that paved the way for the successful District we have today.
It’s heritage is not guarantee of success, and today it struggles right along with most other clubs in trying to find new members. Thus, it’s with great pleasure we announce that the club recently signed FIVE new members, boosting its membership by about 30% in one healthy swoop. The additions were largely the result of a recent anniversary-related Open House, and the work of Area 31 Governor Keith Nielsen and newly-appointed club coach, Keith said, “The energy and commitment from the club and the addition of Club Coach Jeanne Heil is the right formula for success in Waterloo. This combination, along with bringing the Fall 2014 conference to the Waterloo area, is going to make things exciting in Area 31.”