The holiday season has passed and I hope that you all enjoyed a time of fun and food with family and friends. As you recover from a little overindulgence of good food, are you into the keep fit mode yet? We are now into a final stretch for this District 19 Toastmaster year and there are many goals to be achieved by both you as an individual member, your club(s), and your Area. With the well-earned rest behind you are you energised to go forward and achieve those educational awards, to help your club grow and to encourage new members to take up the Toastmaster challenge?
The time for Toastmasters Leadership Institutes has arrived and this is an essential part of growing leaders, old and new, for Toastmasters and for District 19. Whether you are a current officer or are interested in becoming a club officer going forward, the TLIs are an excellent resource for learning and networking.
Each of you as a member of District 19 have a part to play in what we can achieve. The past six months has seen each of you became part of laying a strong foundation for the District to grow. Now we need you to build up the District so we can become a template for Toastmasters worldwide of how to be a very successful District. My challenge is to help you, with my fellow Trio members Keith and Jeanne, to achieve all you desire from Toastmasters. To enrich both your life outside of Toastmasters and inside. Let me know what we can do for you to make your Toastmaster dreams a reality.
Best wishes,
Paul Wood
District Director
District 19