The winter excitement of snow, ice and cold winds is part of the Iowa psyche and yet it can be a time when we want to hunker down and keep warm indoors. Many parts of the District have been hit hard with the bad weather and for some clubs this has affected members attending meetings. Yet this is a critical time in the Toastmaster year when clubs are looking to the club contests for both International Speech and Table Topics. This is the starting point for those aiming to be in Washington DC at the International Convention, where the world’s best speakers will compete for the coveted title of World Champion of Public Speaking. It could be anyone of you here in District 19 who could emulate the great achievement of Kory May at last year’s contest.
It is not only the contests that are important at this time of year, it is a time to reflect on both your individual goals and the goals of the club in meeting the Distinguished Club Programme targets. The Trio has returned from their mid-year Toastmasters training where there were excellent education sessions and a networking of ideas gleaned from other Districts. We as the Trio are here to help, support and encourage each of you to achieve your success as a Toastmaster. We can, where practical come to the Area/Division contests to give practical advice and guidance to ensure that you, your club, area and division can be a success.
In closing I want to reach out to those who may be considering taking a more active role as a District Officer. Whether you wish to be an Area or Division Director, or are looking to take a higher role, then now is the time to reflect, consider and submit your nomination for a role. I can say that I have learnt so much as I have worked through the Trio roles and the experiences have enriched my life both in and outside of Toastmasters. If you wish to talk through any aspect of one of the roles then talk to one of us in the Trio.
Best wishes,
Paul Wood
District Director
District 19