The District 19 Council will meet Saturday, November 15, at 11:20 am at the Ramada Waterloo Convention Center at 205 W 4th St, Waterloo, IA.
District Council members are encouraged to attend to learn what is happening in our district and to vote on any district matters. The business meeting is free. Members do not need to register for the conference to attend the meeting.
District Council members are: Club Presidents and VP of Education (or their proxies); and the District Governor, Lt. Gov. of Education and Training, Lt. Gov. of Marketing, District Public Relations Officer, District Secretary, District Treasurer, Division Governors, Area Governors, and the Immediate Past District Governor.
The agenda as of October 18, 2014 is available for download on the website at along with the proxy information.
I hope to see all of you there.
District 19 Governor